We live on a beautiful planet where many people recognise some things really need to change. The choices of humans are having a huge impact on Planet Earth and all the wonderful creatures who live here. Millions of people are experiencing mental health difficulties - including unprecedented numbers of young people and children. Although this is increasingly being recognised, how can we reach so many people - to offer real help in a lasting way? We need an effective tool for understanding and befriending our inner world. We need to pause when life feels difficult ... to get in touch with a simpler, kinder part of ourselves. We need an INNER SNACK!
I’ve worked in the field of mental / emotional health since 1984 and have devoted my life to searching for the most effective ways to understand and care for our inner world. Around 40 years ago I emerged from a period of inner turmoil with a soulful perspective and a new way to live my life. I was beyond thankful and devoting my life to finding and sharing a path to lasting inner wellbeing seemed the most natural thing to do. I imagined psychiatry would be the place to learn and serve but it seemed to lack soul and creativity. Although I worked my way up to Charge Nurse level, I longed to find truly effective ways to empower people to find natural, lasting inner healing. I completed many years of training in psychological therapies but it was in my own little counselling room that my greatest discoveries were found.
My heartfelt longing to be as helpful as possible seems to have opened a creative door - and one day the Inner SNACK emerged. It’s a simple model, using visual aids, to understand what’s happening within and - together with a little crucial understanding about the brain - it just makes so much sense.
My Courses
If you would like to learn more about the courses I offer, please see below.
"Rosanna’s teaching has had an immediate positive effect on my work, relationships, and own sense of wellbeing. I've learned tools that help me re-centre myself when I’m feeling anxious or down, and take more control of my inner world. I think many people could take great benefits from Rosanna’s work and encourage those interested to see for themselves - indeed, I’ve already convinced my fiancée to have some sessions and noticed huge improvement in her too."
- James
"I have suffered from dark depression for a long period of time. I have tried many ways to combat this problem with little success. I was introduced to Rosanna by a friend of mine at a time when I was in a very bad place. I thought this was something else to try and did not really expect any dramatic improvement. However my attitude to my condition completely changed. It was as if someone had helped me through a thick, dark fog and had lifted an enormous weight from my mind. I quickly found that I had a purpose for living, and had become a whole person again for the first time in many years. I can’t thank Rosanna enough for her kindness, understanding and thoughtful manner."
- Marion
"I feel truly blessed to have met Rosanna; she has helped me more than I ever thought possible and I will be eternally grateful to her. Her approach is caring and understanding with unwavering patience and dedication to helping you find ‘you’. It is hard to put into words quite how inspiring she is, she really is a very, very special person."